Tuesday, January 13, 2015

E is for Earnest

Earnest. According to Google, Earnest means "resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction".
According to Merriam-Webster Earnest means "serious and intent mental state".

So being Earnest means being sincere and serious.
So the antonym is being insincere and not serious.

Now I have this great Uncle named Earnest. We call him Uncle Ernie. And whenever I heard this word I tend to think of the satirical play "The Importance of Being Earnest."

I know, a silly example. But why is it Oscar Wilde chose that name?

So in looking to the meaning of earnest and why it is a virtue... Let's look at the antonym, which is insincerity and lack of seriousness. That is to say, someone who is not earnest does not mean what he/she says, and does whatever with an attitude of "Whatever."

That's not exactly a trustworthy person. Not a person that can be counted on. Someone who is Earnest is someone who understands that there are things important enough to focus.

Pascal said "Earnestness is enthusiasm tempered by reason."

Charles Dickens said, "There is no substitute for thoroughgoing, ardent, and sincere earnestness."

It has been attributed to why people become great, and why others do not.
Here's a site full of quotes about Earnestness.

Whatever you do, be earnest about it, because half-hearted effort rarely if every cuts it.

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