Wednesday, January 7, 2015

B is for Benevolence

Benevolence - according to Wikipedia, it is good will or disposition to do good.
But Merriam-Webster's online dictionary says it is more than just a disposition. It is also an act of kindness or a generous gift.
The opposite of Benevolence is Malevolence. Malevolence is having ill will towards others, wishing others harm, injurious in general.

Whenever I look at these words, they don't just imply a way of thinking, but also a way of action and character.

That said, being benevolent is not just being good, but behaving in a manner that produces good.

So, for examples: Mother Theresa and Al Capone. 2 born Catholics. One benevolent. One malevolent.

Mother Theresa: Acted for the good of many, saving and inspiring lives.

Al Capone: Killed a lot of people for money and power.

This is why I never blame a religion for the actions of individual members. Both chose to either follow the tenants of their faith or to reject it. It is the tenants of the faith that I look at. If the tenants of a faith teach murder and hate, then I worry.

I think the key element of this virtue here is: what kind of legacy are you leaving behind?

Why is this a God-like trait? Lots of people love to blame the ills of the world on God. But they keep forgetting that everything they have comes from God. Food, in general. The issue again is whether or not we comprehend the goodness (and I'd say extreme patience) God has.

Leaving a good legacy. This to me is Benevolence.

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