Friday, October 10, 2014

Money Worship 2

Am I the only one annoyed over big business making excuses for any reason not to pay their workers a decent living wage?

If you looked at their reasons, they are plainly cruel:

"They aren't much educated." --pay them less.

"They are immigrants." --pay them less.

"They are women."-- pay them less.

"I don't like the cut of their jib." --pay them less.

"They are racially different from the majority/my race." --pay them less.

"They are physically/mentally disabled." --pay them less.

"They aren't personally connected to me." --pay them less.

I mean, where are their hearts? Are they human? Do they feel? Or care about anybody but themselves? And how do they justify that?

I know, most of these reasons are illegal. But they are illegal only because WE THE PEOPLE have made them so by passing laws. Illegality exists only when a law has been created.

The problem is enforcing the laws, because I'm sure we all know someone who has been treated unlawfully by an employer who just wanted to make a profit.

I am a big fan of equal pay for equal work. Not just for women, but for everyone. A person should be paid for the quality of work produced. And employers should be HONEST in their evaluations. I once worked a job where we irregularly had performance reviews, and the supervisor was required to dock points, no matter how well you worked. They were under pressure to keep pay raises to a minimum.

So... my question is: if someone has 3 cars, 2 mansions, and a yacht--how can he justify paying people not enough to even pay rent or for food?

My other question is do they go to a specialist to get their consciences removed, or is it a natural deformity?


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