Wednesday, October 15, 2014

About Church

A lot of people when they think of Church they either think of a building (which is usually what comes to my mind) or Religion in general. In this case, I'll be talking about going to church--small c. That is, attending church services regularly.

It isn't popular today. But then, many things that have sustained civilizations for centuries aren't. I know there are all sides on this issue as to why. But this is my take on why I think church attendance, whatever your religion may be, is a good idea.

Here's the thing. When C.S. Lewis said: "Going to church does not make you a Christian any more than sleeping in a garage makes you a car" (I'm paraphrasing here), he did not mean we should not go to church. I know a few people who interpret it that way.  He meant being in a location does not automatically make us good. A need for change of nature and behavior is necessary.

For example: going to school does not automatically make us intelligent. Nor does going into a hospital make us immediately healthy. However, if you apply and study AT school, you learn and become more intelligent. Likewise, if you take treatment and follow your doctor's instructions, you will most likely get cured.

A church is like a school and a hospital. Being there is not enough. A person must apply the teachings taught at church--to change life for the better. We do not go to church to maintain the status quo of "goodness", but to obtain the characteristics of the Divine. This is the purpose of church.

Some people think they don't need church. That's their choice, though I think they are mistaken. Admittedly, I have rarely been in a hospital--birth and immunizations is all I've ever needed. And there are geniuses in the world who hardly need school. But such people are rare--extremely rare.

It is said that the Gospel makes bad men good and good men better. I can't recall who said it, so if you know comment below.

Here's the thing.

I want to be better.
It is not enough to simply be good and feel smug about it.
I want to be amazing.
I want to be like Mother Theresa.
I want to be someone God is proud of for doing her best--rather than staying "just good" and making it back to Heaven by my lonesome.
I don't want to just survive life. I want to impact it for the better.

...Which is why I go to church.
To learn.
To share.
And to be healed.

I don't know anyone on this planet who is perfect.

Do you?

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