Monday, March 23, 2015

War on Science? Really? A quick one.

I saw in the library on a magazine cover an article about "the war on science". Then it lists all the things it means: such as evolution and climate change - which have been under argument for years. Then it adds, the moon landing (giving the impression of paranoid fanaticism). After that it puts in vaccinations and genetically modified food--debatable issues as not everyone is so sure they are healthy. But what keeps going through my head is that there is no war on science. Real science is something that allows questions always. That is the nature of science, that  you can ask questions and seek answers. But I have notice that scientific conclusions have become almost dogmatic--like a religion. And a scientist the priest of this new religion. And those who don't believe are the equivalent of heretics. Looking at the last two especially, vaccinations and GMO's, the issue isn't really science at all but about those who produce the vaccinations and are demanding more and more aggressive application of such vaccinations...and the GMO's which, to be frank, is more like Mad Science than real science. Frankenstein's monster becomes Frankenstein's Fruit and Veggies.

Here's the thing, I don't think science so much is in question as is the implementation of said science. For example, I have no doubts anyone had landed on the moon. That was just a silly addition to begin with. As for climate change, which used to be named Global Warming, I personally think climate is changing, has always been changing, and will continued to change. Does this mean we should not care about polluting our environment? No. I think we should not make things dirty and disgusting. I am all for not dumping toxins into drinking water and for not making a mess of our Earth. Those who are upset about 'climate change' or 'Global warming' or whatever are really concerned about one thing.


Yep. That one thing.

As for those who want GMO's and think people are being too critical about it, are also thinking about that one thing.

And as for Vaccinations. Those same people who make the vaccines are making a ton of one thing.


So. The other debates may be fueled by personal bias, the need not to get sick on what we eat or inject into our bodies, and whatnot.

As for the moon landing...why does it matter?

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